Discover the Non‑Invasive Procedure for Nasal Obstruction

Deliver Lasting Relief from Nasal Airway Obstruction with VivAer®

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woman with a nasal airway obstruction vivair patient with nasal airway obstruction relief

Many of the millions of patients suffering from nasal airway obstruction (NAO) are frustrated by their quality of life and would welcome a way to find proven, long-lasting relief from their condition.

VivAer diagram

Small Changes, Big Improvements

The nasal valve is the narrowest area of the nasal airway accounting for two-thirds of nasal resistance. But as Poiseuille’s Law states, airflow is proportional to the 4th power of the radius, so small changes can deliver exponential improvements in nasal breathing.

The Nasal Airway Obstruction Solution Your Patients Need

VivAer is an office-friendly, incisionless, non-invasive procedure that offers patients a solution from NAO. Compact and portable, the Aerin® Console and VivAer Stylus fit seamlessly into any clinic, office, or hospital environment. VivAer is a convenient and efficient procedure option to integrate into your practice.

Who Benefits from the VivAer Procedure?

  • Patients with static or dynamic nasal valve collapse
  • Patients seeking a non-invasive, effective, in-office procedure option
  • Post-surgical patients who still have difficulty breathing
  • Candidates for traditional surgery (e.g., septum, turbinates) who could benefit from an adjunct procedure addressing the nasal valve in the same setting
  • Patients with severe to extreme NAO as measured by the NOSE score and/or who experience improvement with the modified Cottle maneuver

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A Powerful Approach to Nasal Airway Obstruction

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The low profile VivAer Stylus employs temperature-controlled radiofrequency (RF) technology, optimized for the nasal airway. Once the Stylus is inserted into the nose, the Aerin System automatically maintains the tip’s target temperature for therapeutic benefit while sparing surrounding tissue.

VivAer enables you to effectively tackle many of the core causes of nasal airway obstruction with one procedure:

  • Durably remodels nasal cartilage and soft tissue
  • Single solution that treats the nasal valve, including lateral wall, inferior turbinate, and septal swell body:
    • Opens up nasal airway by addressing the nasal valve
    • Shrinks submucosal tissues of the inferior turbinate
    • Shrinks soft tissue obstruction on the septum (septal swell body)

Deliver lasting relief from nasal airway obstruction.

Results from a pivotal follow-up study2,3

92.9% of patients reported improved breathing through their nose during exercise or exertion.2

>60% of patients reported using fewer or less frequent oral medications, nasal sprays and nasal breathing strips.2

VivAer is a well-tolerated procedure that can be performed safely to reduce the symptoms of Nasal Airway Obstruction.

0 serious adverse events related to the device and/or procedure were observed in the study1

Patients experienced improvements across a broad set of quality of life (QoL) measures

All 5 components of the NOSE Scale (nasal congestion, nasal blockage, trouble breathing, trouble sleeping, and being unable to get enough air during exercise) demonstrated improvement.

Study design: Prospective, non-randomized, multi-center, extended follow-up study to determine if safety and efficacy results achieved at the 6-month timepoint for the VivAer® pivotal trial would be sustained at the 48-month timepoint.

Patients: A total of 29 subjects who were treated with the VivAer® Stylus in the 50-subject TP258 interventional study were followed up to 48 months.

Primary endpoint:
Change from baseline NOSE score to 12-, 18-, and 24-months post-procedure; number and percentage of participants with positive response on QoL assessment items at 12-, 18-, and 24-months post-procedure; change from baseline NOSE score to 36-, 48-, and 60-months post-procedure; number and percentage of participants with positive response on QoL assessment items.

Download the full Clinical Summary

VivAer clinical summary

Improving Patient Lives with VivAer

VivAer patient Jamie


VivAer Patient

“Everyday when I wake up, rather than feeling congested like I had been before, I feel good as new. It really feels amazing.”

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  1. Jacobowitz, O., Driver, M. and Ephrat, M. (2019), In-office procedure of nasal valve obstruction using a novel, bipolar radiofrequency device. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 4: 211-217.
  2. Jacobowitz O, Ehmer D, Lanier B, Scurry W, Davis B. Long-term outcomes following repair of nasal valve collapse with temperature-controlled radiofrequency procedure for patients with nasal obstruction. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2022;1-5.
  3. 4-Year NV Pivotal Study Clinical Summary Report is on file with the company.

1 Console, 2 Powerful Treatments

The VivAer Stylus plugs into the compact and portable Aerin® Console. The console may also be used with the RhinAer® Stylus to deliver comprehensive, durable procedure for chronic rhinitis.
Aerin Medical console